Italian Intermediate Term 2

Start date: 14th Jan 2025
Time: 09:30 - 11:30
Cost: £115
Day: Tuesday
Duration: 10 weeks
Tutor: Mel Criddle
Course code: 25SP135
This course is suitable for students who have completed at least 3 years of Italian study. The course will enable you to:
- Express yourself coherently regarding everyday situations and areas of personal interest.
- Read texts in the target language (e.g. poems, short stories, reports, newspaper articles etc) to extract specific details and to identify general information.
- Listen effectively for specific details/general information, ideas and opinions from a range of sources.
- Enter unprepared into conversation on topics which are familiar to you.
- Use a variety of tenses to express what you have done, are planning to do or would like to do.
- Develop a range of 'repair strategies' to overcome communication difficulties.
You do not need to purchase a textbook for this course.