For all courses of 4 weeks or longer if you enrol on one of our courses and you find it's not for you after the first class, and you let us know before the second class, then we will give you a refund minus a £10 charge.
Latin 10 Private Classes for 4 people
Latin 10 Private Classes for 4 people
Please contact us for availability
Private Language tuition 4 week block
Private Language tuition 4 week block
Private tuition is booked in blocks of 4, please book once you have agreed times and dates with the tutor.
Private tuition is booked in blocks of 4, please book once you have agreed times and dates with the tutor.
German Intermediate (supplement based on 5 attending)
German Intermediate (supplement based on 5 attending)
The course fee will reduce if more than 5 people enrol on this course.
The course fee will reduce if more than 5 people enrol on this course.
Yoga for Everyone
Yoga for Everyone
This course is for all levels of experience of yoga. It's a great class to help you stay fit and mobile, it will help with relaxation, reduce aches and pains, and help maintain muscle strength and general fitness.
This course is for all levels of experience of yoga. It's a great class to help you stay fit and mobile, it will help with relaxation, reduce aches and pains, and help maintain muscle strength and general fitness.
Spanish Advanced 2 Culture Conversation and Grammar
Spanish Advanced 2 Culture Conversation and Grammar
This is an online course.
This is an online course.
Iyengar Yoga
Iyengar Yoga
Iyengar yoga focuses on mastering poses through concentrating on alignment and precision. this class is not for beginners
Iyengar yoga focuses on mastering poses through concentrating on alignment and precision. this class is not for beginners
Pilates and Stretch for Men
Pilates and Stretch for Men
This course is developed to meet the specific needs of men. Often the male physique will have specific stiffness in the spine and hips, and experience more tightness in the hamstring and shoulders. This course attempts to tackle those areas and develop flexibility and functionality. especially good if you play golf/football/rugby or just need to bend down to put your shoes on! This class is suitable for all ages.
This course is developed to meet the specific needs of men. Often the male physique will have specific stiffness in the spine and hips, and experience more tightness in the hamstring and shoulders. This course attempts to tackle those areas and develop flexibility and functionality. especially good if you play golf/football/rugby or just need to bend down to put your shoes on! This class is suitable for all ages.
Please contact us for availability
Spanish Advanced 4 Culture, Conversation and Grammar
Spanish Advanced 4 Culture, Conversation and Grammar
Pilates for Beginners
Pilates for Beginners
A gently paced class with a focus on the core principles
A gently paced class with a focus on the core principles
Strength, and Mobility for Over 50+
Strength, and Mobility for Over 50+
Please contact us for availability
Spanish Beginners Term 2
Spanish Beginners Term 2
This course is now 11 weeks and not as advertised for 10 weeks.
This course is now 11 weeks and not as advertised for 10 weeks.
Yoga in Pyjamas Online course
Yoga in Pyjamas Online course
This class is on zoom
This class is on zoom
Spanish Upper Intermediate Online
Spanish Upper Intermediate Online
This is an online class
This is an online class
Yoga and Relaxation for All
Yoga and Relaxation for All
This course is suitable for students of all abilities
This course is suitable for students of all abilities
Pilates - Gentle Pace
Pilates - Gentle Pace
This class is in person and is a gentle paced class suitable for all abilities.
This class is in person and is a gentle paced class suitable for all abilities.
Please contact us for availability
Pilates for Men
Pilates for Men
This course is developed to meet the specific needs of men. Often the male physique will have specific stiffness in the spine and hips, and experience more tightness in the hamstring and shoulders. This course attempts to tackle those areas and develop flexibility and functionality. especially good if you play golf/football/rugby or just need to bend down to put your shoes on! This class is suitable for all ages.
This course is developed to meet the specific needs of men. Often the male physique will have specific stiffness in the spine and hips, and experience more tightness in the hamstring and shoulders. This course attempts to tackle those areas and develop flexibility and functionality. especially good if you play golf/football/rugby or just need to bend down to put your shoes on! This class is suitable for all ages.
Use it or Lose it - Balance, Strength and Mobility for Beginners
Use it or Lose it - Balance, Strength and Mobility for Beginners
Please contact us for availability
Pilates for Everyone - Susan
Pilates for Everyone - Susan
This course is for all abilities. Improve your posture, strength, stability and flexibility
This course is for all abilities. Improve your posture, strength, stability and flexibility
Please contact us for availability
Art for Art's Sake
Art for Art's Sake
Are you keen to develop your art; your painting and drawing skills in a positive and friendly group setting with optional tutor-led activities?
Are you keen to develop your art; your painting and drawing skills in a positive and friendly group setting with optional tutor-led activities?
Pilates for Beginners Plus
Pilates for Beginners Plus
A gently paced class with a focus on the core principles
A gently paced class with a focus on the core principles
Please contact us for availability
Winter Landscapes in Oil and Acrylic
Winter Landscapes in Oil and Acrylic
Please contact us for availability
Spanish - Hablamos: Conversational (4 years of learning required)
Spanish - Hablamos: Conversational (4 years of learning required)
This is an online class
This is an online class
Greek Advanced Online Course
Greek Advanced Online Course
This is an online class.
This is an online class.
Group Piano - Improvers up to Grade 3
Group Piano - Improvers up to Grade 3
This is an online class
This is an online class
History - These songs of Rebellion and Change in Britain and around the world 1800 - 1916
History - These songs of Rebellion and Change in Britain and around the world 1800 - 1916
Your Digital Camera and Learning to Take Digital Images
Your Digital Camera and Learning to Take Digital Images
Clothes Making for All
Clothes Making for All
Please bring your own sewing machine
Please bring your own sewing machine
Please contact us for availability
Clothes Making for All
Clothes Making for All
Please bring your own sewing machine
Please bring your own sewing machine
Please contact us for availability
Sewing - Fabric Manipulation Techniques - Make a Three Dimensional Floral Cushion
Sewing - Fabric Manipulation Techniques - Make a Three Dimensional Floral Cushion
Polish Pre - Intermediate (small class supplement for 4 students)
Polish Pre - Intermediate (small class supplement for 4 students)
Should more than 4 people enrol on the class the course fee will reduce.
Should more than 4 people enrol on the class the course fee will reduce.
Linocut Print Making - Beginners and Intermediates
Linocut Print Making - Beginners and Intermediates
This course is for beginners to intermediary learners and aims to develop printmaking skills, use of colour, design and line.
This course is for beginners to intermediary learners and aims to develop printmaking skills, use of colour, design and line.
Please contact us for availability
French History and Culture: 1951 - 1960 L' Apres Guerre
French History and Culture: 1951 - 1960 L' Apres Guerre
Please contact us for availability
French Intermediate Online course
French Intermediate Online course
This is an online class.
This is an online class.
French Beginners NEW
French Beginners NEW
This course is suitable for complete beginners.
This course is suitable for complete beginners.
Please contact us for availability
Italian Beginners Term 2
Italian Beginners Term 2
This is the 2nd term of a beginners class.
This is the 2nd term of a beginners class.
Wills, Probate, Care Home Planning and Power of Attorney
Wills, Probate, Care Home Planning and Power of Attorney
Soft Furnishing - Blinds, Curtains, Cushions and Basic Upholstery
Soft Furnishing - Blinds, Curtains, Cushions and Basic Upholstery
Please contact us for availability
Psychology, Memory, Prejudice & Discrimination NEW
Psychology, Memory, Prejudice & Discrimination NEW
Please contact us for availability
African Drumming All Levels
African Drumming All Levels
Please note that this price includes a £2.30 drum charge - Fee will be reduced by £23 if you do not need a drum. Please contact the office if you do not need to pay for the drum fee.
Please note that this price includes a £2.30 drum charge - Fee will be reduced by £23 if you do not need a drum. Please contact the office if you do not need to pay for the drum fee.
Please contact us for availability
Pilates for Everyone - Lydia
Pilates for Everyone - Lydia
This course is for all abilities. Improve your posture, strength, stability and flexibility
This course is for all abilities. Improve your posture, strength, stability and flexibility
Please contact us for availability
Get to Grips with my Android Phone and Tablet
Get to Grips with my Android Phone and Tablet
Please contact us for availability
Spanish Advanced 3 (small class supplement based on 5 attending)
Spanish Advanced 3 (small class supplement based on 5 attending)
Should more than 5 people enrol on the class then the Fee will be reduced. This is an online class
Should more than 5 people enrol on the class then the Fee will be reduced. This is an online class
Introduction to Tarot Card Reading (every other Monday)
Introduction to Tarot Card Reading (every other Monday)
Japanese Beginners Term 4 (small class supplement based on 4 students)
Japanese Beginners Term 4 (small class supplement based on 4 students)
This class is based upon 4 people attending and if more people enrol the price will go down and a refund will be made. This is an online class.
This class is based upon 4 people attending and if more people enrol the price will go down and a refund will be made. This is an online class.
Japanese Pre-Intermediate
Japanese Pre-Intermediate
This is an online course.
This is an online course.
Free Life Saving awareness - 12.30
Free Life Saving awareness - 12.30
To book this session please call the office on 01423 563 768
To book this session please call the office on 01423 563 768
Free Life Saving awareness - 13.45
Free Life Saving awareness - 13.45
To book this session please call the office on 01423 563 768
To book this session please call the office on 01423 563 768
Free Life Saving awareness 10.00
Free Life Saving awareness 10.00
To book this session please call the office on 01423 563 768
To book this session please call the office on 01423 563 768
Free Life Saving awareness - 11.15
Free Life Saving awareness - 11.15
To book this session please call the office on 01423 563 768
To book this session please call the office on 01423 563 768
Free Life Saving awareness - 12.30
Free Life Saving awareness - 12.30
To book this session please call the office on 01423 563 768
To book this session please call the office on 01423 563 768
Free Life Saving awareness - 17.30
Free Life Saving awareness - 17.30
To book this session please call the office on 01423 563 768
To book this session please call the office on 01423 563 768
Free Life Saving awareness - 18.45
Free Life Saving awareness - 18.45
To book this session please call the office on 01423 563 768
To book this session please call the office on 01423 563 768
Masterclass - How to Draw and Paint Portraits Without Panicking
Masterclass - How to Draw and Paint Portraits Without Panicking
Please contact us for availability
Art for Art's Sake
Art for Art's Sake
Are you keen to develop your art; your painting and drawing skills in a positive and friendly group setting with optional tutor-led activities?
Are you keen to develop your art; your painting and drawing skills in a positive and friendly group setting with optional tutor-led activities?
Paediatric First Aid and Babysitting (Year 8 - Year 11) NEW
Paediatric First Aid and Babysitting (Year 8 - Year 11) NEW
Your Digital Camera and Learning to Take Digital Images Improvers
Your Digital Camera and Learning to Take Digital Images Improvers
Advanced Lino Cut - inc. Lino Etch and Reduction Cut
Advanced Lino Cut - inc. Lino Etch and Reduction Cut
Please contact us for availability
Get to Grips with my phone and iphone
Get to Grips with my phone and iphone
Please contact us for availability
Let's Learn to Sew for Beginners
Let's Learn to Sew for Beginners
Please contact us for availability
Home Sweet Home: Make a Lino Portrait Of Your Own House NEW
Home Sweet Home: Make a Lino Portrait Of Your Own House NEW
Please contact us for availability
Masterclass - How to Put the Life into Life Drawing (and Painting)
Masterclass - How to Put the Life into Life Drawing (and Painting)
Learn to Fly Your Drone - The Essentials
Learn to Fly Your Drone - The Essentials
Please contact us for availability